Climate neutral and including municipalities
The project focused on developing the mobility hub concept and identifying ways of working within the municipality to support the realization and implementation of mobility hubs.
Project start
1,5 MSEK
Project end
The main purpose of this project was to enhance Skellefteå municipality’s ability to develop, test and expand mobility hubs as a system innovation for creating a climate-neutral and inclusive urban mobility system.
The specific objectives of the project were:
Understanding the Current Ecosystem:
Analyze the current situation in the city, focusing on the ecosystem of stakeholders, their roles, and capacities, both now and in the future, to collaboratively implement mobility hubs.
Building Collective Capacity:
Strengthen Skellefteå’s ability to manage and implement a transformative portfolio of actions related to mobility hubs.
Sharing Knowledge:
Gather insights and lessons learned to share with relevant stakeholders locally, nationally and internationally.
The project aimed to position Skellefteå as a leader in sustainable and inclusive transportation by developing scalable solutions that can be adapted by other regions.
Read more:
Klimatneutrala och inkluderande kommuner – Skellefteå
Related to the project, Moa Ribjer Masterthesis:
Project partners
Skellefteå municipality, Skellefteå Science City, KTH
Co-funded by
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